PO Box 245, Walnut Creek, CA 94596
T: (925) 778-1165 | F: (925) 778-1163 | E: EPCDiabloValley@gmail.com
October 19, 2022
"Estate Planning in an Inflationary Environment: Re-Assessing Existing Plans and Techniques to Take Advantage of Increased Interest Rates"
Presented by: Mark T. Weaver, Esq.
Farella Braun + Martel LLP
4:00pm- Networking
4:25pm- Welcome &
4:45pm- Speaker Presentation
6:00pm - Meeting Close
Member Cost:
Guest Cost:
Please note all reservations MUST be made no
later than 2pm the day of the monthly meeting.
Refunds will not be granted to cancellations that are received
after October 17th at 2pm.
All cancellation requests need
to be made in writing to EPCDiabloValley@gmail.com
Special Thanks to our
Member Supporters
Kirsten Howe, Esq.
Absolute Trust Counsel
Heather Hamilton
Fiduciary Accounting Services, LLC
Michael Low
Doyle Low LLP
Kyle Johnston, Esq.
Bank of America Private Bank
Elizabeth Mintzer, CFP®
Rainer Wealth Management
Stacie Nelson, Esq.
Holland and Knight
Lisa Soloway
Soloway Fiduciaries, Inc.
Way Financial
Bert Payne, CPA, CGMA
Insurance Review Services
With inflation at its highest level in more than 40 years, and interest rates projected to increase to their highest level in nearly 15 years, estate planners need to be mindful of how these changes will impact their clients.
Mr. Weaver will discuss how existing revocable and irrevocable plans should be analyzed in light of these changes, and provide recommendations.
In addition, Mr. Weaver will help planners refamiliarize themselves with tools of yesteryear -- qualified personal residence trusts (QPRTs) and charitable remainder trusts (CRTs) – which are much more attractive in a higher interest-rate environment.
Finally, our speaker will provide a brief update on California’s perennial attempts to increase income tax rates and impose a wealth tax, including Proposition 30 (which, if passed, would increase income tax rates by 1.75% on income above $2 million).
About Our Speaker:
Mark Weaver is a partner at Farella Braun + Martel, and Chair of the firm’s Family Wealth Group. Mr. Weaver assists high-net worth individuals and families with their estate and business succession planning. He regularly leverages sophisticated wealth preservation techniques, including the formation and administration of irrevocable trusts, business entities, sole purpose entities and charitable vehicles, to implement his clients’ objectives. A key aspect of Mr. Weaver’s practice is counseling clients on cross-border issues, including those with beneficiaries and/or assets that are located in multiple countries, as well as those planning to enter or leave the United States.
He is the past Chair of the San Francisco Branch of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), a member of the Planned Giving Committee of the Regional Parks Foundation, and a regular speaker on techniques to protect familial assets, including advanced wealth transfer programs and international estate planning.
Learning Objectives
1. Understand how inflation and increased interest rates impact revocable and irrevocable estate plans.
2. Understand how QPRTs and CRTs work and under what circumstances they should be used.
3. Become familiar with Proposition 30 and other pending California legislation.
Estate Planning Council Diablo Valley | EPCDV.org